ZEV Digital are an external efficiency-driven group of proven masters in marketing. Their teams are tight-knit, coming from a variety of cultural and experience backgrounds. Since the beginning ZEV Digital have been forward-thinking, doing things radically different from any other company.

ZEV Digital’s teams are focused and agile, adopting the mantra of out-of-the-box solutions.

Mantra, Applied

The ZEV Digital mantra of efficiency is applied throughout their work. Being totally digitally operational, there is no expenditure on expensive office space. Not only does this improve environmental responsibilities, but ensures that fees are based on value and skill - not bloated by unnecessary expenses.

If you are serious about driving commercial success through marketing in a new digital world, or elevating your personal and business net worth through ongoing marketing guidance, ZEV Digital are here for you.

    1. Data-Led:

      We use people base precision marketing and insight platforms.

    2. Clients First:

      We deliver the highest level of service and innovation.

    3. People Power:

      Our diverse workforce is our greatest asset. Diversity spans across our work, our people, and our culture.

  • The creation of a complete experience is comprised of three core components – rational, emotional, and cultural. These 3 components communicate the values, story, and philosophy of the company it represents to its targeted audience.

    1. Rational:

      The rational component conveys to the consumer that this product will meet their needs. This is the tangible, material elements of the products and services, the company’s approach, and the integrity of delivery. This is the realm of the logical, with a focus on the functional benefits of the products offered – features, price, and utility.

    2. Emotional:

      The emotional component determines which brand the customer will choose. This is designed to connect with the consumer’s emotions, motivating them to buy while creating brand loyalty. In this realm of feelings, sensory experiences, and perceptions of value - imagery and descriptions are engaging, intimate, and pleasurable.

    3. Cultural:

      The cultural component is the tailoring of the brand to the language, values, and style of the audience that it is targeting. To be influential and inspire action, the brand must speak the same language as the community and share the same beliefs as the audience it targets.

  • A percentage of all client retainers and payments go to charitable endeavours, such as Four Paws and Unicef. Four Paws is the global animal welfare organisation for animals under human influence, which reveals suffering, rescues animals in need and protects them. Unicef ensures the delivery of life-saving supplies to children who need it most.